Hello forks,
Could someone help me correct this onchange code. I have a predefined values with different datatype. My code works fine if result value and predefined value are float datatype. But when inputted value is outside float i get an error.
Expected result values are float, integer, char, text.
How can i make it to work? Below is my onchange code
@api.onchange('normal_range', 'result')
def onchange_result(self):
if self.normal_range:
no1,no2 = self.normal_range.split('-')
if self.result:
if float(self.result) >= float(no1) and float(self.result) <= float(no2):
self.remark = 'Normal'
elif float(self.result) <= float(no1):
self.remark = 'Below'
elif float(self.result) >= float(no2):
self.remark = 'Above'
please share the error here and try doing debuging and urself u can find the answer,
and if your inputs are in digits python have no trouble making it to float