I'm working on integration between Odoo V8 and Drupal 7 and am having a bit of trouble making a connection to my Saas at https://cool-test1.odoo.com/
I'm using the code examples available at https://www.odoo.com/documentation/8.0/api_integration.html
When I use the URL https://demo.odoo.com/start in the $info = section I get a valid response
$url = 'https://cool-test1.odoo.com';
$db = 'cool-test1';
$username = "admin";
$password = '*****';require_once('ripcord-1.1/ripcord.php');
$info = ripcord::client('https://demo.odoo.com/start')->start();
list($url, $db, $username, $password) = array($info['host'], $info['database'], $info['user'], $info['password']);$common = ripcord::client("$url/xmlrpc/common");
print_r($common->version());$uid = $common->authenticate($db, $username, $password, array());
When I change $info = ripcord::client('https://demo.odoo.com/start')->start() to equal my saas server e.g. $info = ripcord::client('https://cool-test1.odoo.com/start')->start(); I get the below error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Ripcord_TransportException' with message 'Could not access https://cool-test1.odoo.com/start' in /usr/local/nginx/html/xmlrpc/ripcord-1.1/ripcord_client.php:488 Stack trace: #0 /usr/local/nginx/html/xmlrpc/ripcord-1.1/ripcord_client.php(228): Ripcord_Transport_Stream->post('https://cool-te...', '__call('start', Array) #2 /usr/local/nginx/html/xmlrpc/test.php(9): Ripcord_Client->start() #3 {main} thrown in /usr/local/nginx/html/xmlrpc/ripcord-1.1/ripcord_client.php on line 488
I have noticed that when you visit https://demo.odoo.com/start in a browser you get an XMLRPC error about the method, when you visit my Saas https://cool-test1.odoo.com/start you just get a 404.
Is there something I need to enable on my Saas somewhere? I followed the instructions here https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/question/is-the-xml-rpc-api-available-on-openerp-online-915 and enabled a password on my admin user which I'm using in my test code.
Any help would be much appreciated.