Hello all,
my new report is almost finished. But I did not manage to get only one widget working to format datas in this report. none
so may be i miss something
is there some important conditions to respect to get those widgets working?
Here is a easy test to show that widgets don't seem to work in my report.
In my report, I have put this code for diagnostic :
<p>o = <span t-esc="o" /></p>
<p>currency = <span t-esc="currency" /></p>
<p>docs = <span t-esc="docs" /></p>
<p>doc_ids = <span t-esc="doc_ids" /></p>
<p>doc_model = <span t-esc="doc_model" /></p>
An here is the easy test I tried :
<t t-set="i" t-value="1666.435"/>
<td class="text-center" colspan="2"><span style="font-size: 20px;" t-esc="i"
t-field-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": "currency"}'/></td>
The result. See the variable currency is well defined.
Absolutely none dollar sign to the 1666.435 amount...
Since the beginning of my report conception, I ask to myself if I have the right docs, doc_ids and doc_model.
This report is launched from a wizard that I have made myself. Is it normal and correct that my docs and doc_model are wizard.create.deposit (the model of the wizard)?
Is it normal that doc_ids is empty?
My report works well even if I can't format with widgets in the qweb xml report.