Find the definition of these Widgets in the XML file defining the Templates:
<template id="contact_name">
<div t-if="'name' in fields">
<t t-if="">
<span itemprop="name" t-esc="name"/>
<t t-if="not and object.parent_name">
<span itemprop="name" t-esc="object.parent_name"/>
<t t-if="options.get('country_image') and 'country_id' in fields and object.country_id and object.country_id.image">
<span t-field="object.country_id.image" t-options='{"widget": "image", "class": "country_flag"}'/>
<template id="contact">
<address t-ignore="true" class="mb0" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<div t-if="not (('name' in fields) or (address and 'address' in fields) or (city and 'city' in fields) or (mobile and 'mobile' in fields) or (website and 'website' in fields) or (email and 'email' in fields))" class="css_non_editable_mode_hidden">
--<span class="text-muted" t-esc="name"/>--
<t t-if="object.country_id.name_position != 'after'">
<t t-call="base.contact_name"/>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<div t-if="address and 'address' in fields">
<i t-if="not options.get('no_marker')" class='fa fa-map-marker fa-fw'/> <span itemprop="streetAddress" t-raw="address.replace('\n', options.get('no_tag_br') and ', ' or ('<br/>%s' % ('' if options.get('no_marker') else '&nbsp; &nbsp; ')))"/>
<div t-if="city and 'city' in fields">
<i t-if="not options.get('no_marker')" class='fa fa-map-marker fa-fw'/>
<span itemprop="addressLocality" t-raw="city"/>,
<span itemprop="addressCountry" t-raw="country_id"/>
<div t-if="phone and 'phone' in fields"><i t-if="not options.get('no_marker') or options.get('phone_icons')" class='fa fa-phone fa-fw'/> <span itemprop="telephone" t-esc="phone"/></div>
<div t-if="mobile and 'mobile' in fields"><i t-if="not options.get('no_marker') or options.get('phone_icons')" class='fa fa-mobile fa-fw'/> <span itemprop="telephone" t-esc="mobile"/></div>
<div t-if="fax and 'fax' in fields"><i t-if="not options.get('no_marker') or options.get('phone_icons')" class='fa fa-fax fa-fw'/> <span itemprop="faxNumber" t-esc="fax"/></div>
<div t-if="website and 'website' in fields">
<i t-if="not options.get('no_marker')" class='fa fa-globe'/>
<a t-att-href="website and '%s%s' % ('http://' if '://' not in website else '',website)"><span itemprop="website" t-esc="website"/></a>
<div t-if="email and 'email' in fields"><i t-if="not options.get('no_marker')" class='fa fa-envelope fa-fw'/> <span itemprop="email" t-esc="email"/></div>
<t t-if="object.country_id and object.country_id.name_position == 'after'">
<t t-call="base.contact_name"/>
@Jeff, I'm also interested in this. I've purchased the theme developer handbook from Odoo's indiegogo campaign here: although the book is not likely to be released until the campaign finishes I believe it does cover the subject as it applies to the CMS/E-commerce and theme modules. Once I have read the book I will write back here with information on what I have learnt, however in the meantime if you find any resources covering widget creation and customisation I would be interested to know what you have found.