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2 Replies

Is there a way to use a specific currency for the sale prices of a product?

My accounting is in UYU, I sell consulting hours in USD among other things. I tried configuring pricelists, but the price is interpreted in the UYU currency and automatically translated - and I want to charge a specific amount of dollars, not the product price. It would be a bit impractical to set up a pricelist with fixed cost for each item - is this the only way? Also, if that is the case, how can I force a pricelist to substitute the price of the product, ie, that it is always used instead of the actual value in sale_price?

Best regards,


Best Answer

For my use case, I want any products that are "Published to Web" to have the list price in USD otherwise the User currency.

So I overode product_template -> _compute_currency_id()

class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
   _inherit = 'product.template'

   def _compute_currency_id(self):
       company = self.env.user.company_id
       user_currency_id = company.sudo().currency_id
       usd_currency_id = self.env['res.currency'].search([('name', '=', 'USD')], limit=None)
       for t in self:
           if t.is_published:
               t.currency_id = usd_currency_id
               t.currency_id = user_currency_id

You can adapt to suit your own use case

Best Answer

Hi Bruno,you can achieve it by enabling use pricelist at sales configuration and then by enabling multi currency for the logged in user.pls refer to the screenshot added.


Hello Raaj, thanks for answering the question. This is a partial answer to my problem, as I mentioned in the post - I already know how to set fixed prices to pricelists, but I want to use some value in the product as the price in a foreign currency, not translating it through the pricelist. I know you can do it through fixed prices in the pricelist, but that is awfully inconvenient - is there any other way to do it?

Using an ERP system (at least all that I know of) means selling products (sometimes also called articles or items, but it is the same logical business object). Such products have product price expressed in a curreny, no matter what currency. These prices may be overwritten in business document lines such as quotation lines, sales order lines or invoice lines, but they are always product prices and you should always keep the integrated flow of quantities and values in mind. So you may be more specific about your issue and maybe provide an example to explain what you exactly mean.

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