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4 Replies

Hi guys,

Rather specific question: Is there any way to find out where the Odoo is installed on Ubuntu (for example /odoo/odoo-server) and then get the addon path? I want to get the full path to my module in order to create a new file in this module.
I couldn't find any model / field that stores this..
The second thing that I am wondering is if there is any 'guideline' about creating new files inside an Odoo module? I want to create a script inside my module which will be generated and executed after some action in Odoo. Where is the best way to create a new file inside the custom module without the Odoo complaining?

Any ideas / tips?


Please check the following link for custom module:

Thanks & Regards

Author Best Answer

Hi guys,

Turns out there is a very basic statement for this. You can get the location of the Python file that is being executed so from there on you know the whole path. The code:


If your Odoo is under /odoo/odoo-server and your addon is named auto_installer it will build the path /odoo/odoo-server/addons/auto_installer and from there on it is as simple as navigating to the folder and adding files.

Best Answer

if you've full control over the odoo installation and you can make sure that module folder is writable, or using this as private solution, then creating files in the module directory is ok. But, if you're going to ship module, then it's NOT guaranteed that the module directory will be writable for odoo server instance. most probably, often it will not. for example for security reasons or when installed from .deb package... whereas, there is a "Data Directory", which is guaranteed to be writable to odoo server instance. Inside your module code, you can gather path of data directory as follows:

from import config

path_to_data_directory = config['data_dir']

Under Data Directory, there is a folder named "filestore" which is used to store files uploaded/stored with "ir.attachment" model (BTW, it's also option to use ir.attachment model in order to store new files, if applicable it's recommended to use it, there is nice implementation of filestore, avoiding duplicated files, etc, etc...). Conventionally we can add another folder, say "custom_filestore". also it may be meaningful to use database names under it, as it's under filestore directory, and module name as well(?)... then, path to a directory where we can save files, may be acquired like:

def get_custom_data_dir(self):
    return os.path.join(config['data_dir'], "custom_filestore", "module_name",

this way, you'll have separated folders in case of multiple databases. also, target directory will be always writable (worth to note, that directory itself may not exist for the moment, but the location will be always writable to the odoo server instance, whereas it's not guaranteed for module directory itself).

take look at how is filestore path calculated in original filestore implementation, you can see here


Thanks for the detailed information Temur! I can't work from the filestore/database itself so I need to write the file inside the module. But that is no problem since the user running the Odoo service has access to the module that is being added, so that works out fine. I like the ideas and tips though, so +1!

Best Answer

I'm Windows, but I decided to try.

I searched the source and tried the following code and got the home path of the odoo 

    def fields_view_get(self, cr, user, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
        import os
        dirpath = os.environ.get('HOME') or os.getcwd()

I just put it under the fields_view_get to run it immediately. Pls try this under the Ubuntu and I think it will help.

for the 2nd question, you now have the home path of your installation, you can now create any code and call it from say the create method and see.


This will get you the first folder but it will not get you to the correct Odoo path if it is nested deeper in to folders though, which can happen.


I did give you an upvote since it put me in the right idea though! :)

Best Answer

There are function from odoo core 

from odoo.modules.module import get_resource_path
get_resource_path('base_einvoice', 'static/src', 'watermark.pdf')

it's have 3 parameters module name (required), folder_name in module (optional), file_name optionally also
