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3 Replies

Is there a way to execute an action from a link in a form view? I'm displaying a table in a Html filed and I'd liked to have a link for table record that opens a window action target new.


Yes, you can, Just check the link happening whenever you click a menu. You have to find the action_id using env.ref, then pass as a URL.


Thanks... is this what you meant href="/web?&debug=#menu_id=93&action=143" class="oe_menu_leaf" data-menu="93" data-action-model="ir.actions.act_window" data-action-id="143"?

hello, how can we also set some filter value and group by values enabled at the same time? the href opens up the view but how can i also set some filters at the same time

Best Answer

Hy, Sorry I am late.

One option is through like this, just create a link like

<a class="btn btn-primary" t-att-href="'/web#menu_id=%s&amp;action=%s&amp;id=%s&amp;view_type=form&amp;model=your_model' % (%(addon.menu_id)d, %(addon.action_id)d, your_res_id, )">Go to backend</a>

This will redirect to back- end. This is an example. DO changes accordingly.




only one question... to open it as a popup or with breadcrumbs from previous view I need a new custom action or is there a parameter to set?

While defining the action in XML, you can use attribute "target", where its values 'new' for the popup, 'current' for within the form with breadcrumb.


yeah I thought as much. Thanks for the help