Hello. I'm new at Odoo and I would like to know if it is possible to achieve what I asked.
What I'm planning to do is to insert python logic inside a custom module (which I can build with code) in order to connect to a public webservice. I feel like this could be possible since that is the way Google Calendar works on Odoo am I right?
My module would basically have an object with a tree view with some invoices (I will extend a boolean field on invoices and depending on this the invoice will be shown on this module's object view). Then I will select an invoice, acces to its form view and through a custom buttom with a custom action, send data from that invoice to my webservice.
I am thinking about using Requests or Zeep as libraries for connecting and sending data to the external public webservice. I will be sending data from Odoo to this webservice. What I would like to know also is how do I make the script run if the libraries I'll use are not on my Odoo server. Would it still work? Sorry if this last piece of info/question is irrelevant.
Any documentation or old post about this topic would be helpful too.
Thanks in advance.