I'm running Odoo 8.
I tried to modify the invoice report to print move_lines.journal_id.name.
I have some invoices with multiples lines and i get an error:
File "/opt/odoo/odoo8/openerp/models.py", line 5320, in ensure_one
raise except_orm("ValueError", "Expected singleton: %s" % self)
QWebException: "ValueError
Expected singleton: account.move.line(301, 299)" while evaluating
"translate_doc(doc_id, doc_model, 'partner_id.lang', 'account.report_invoice_document')"
Here is my modified report section:
<span t-if="o.move_lines.journal_id.name">
<strong>Payment method:</strong>
<t t-foreach="o.move_lines.journal_id" t-as="l">
<span t-field="l.name"/></t> <br/>