I have set product to Consumable and rules to Manufacture + MTO
The BoM has a line that has been rounded to quantity 0.00 (0.004 -> 0.00)
So after a sale order there is a MO generated but after confirming it the line in the transfer stays at status: Waiting for Another Move
Reserve button doesn't resolve it even though I have successfully manufactured the required quantities. !!!
Only Force Availability works.
This happened only on the product where there was a line with 0 quantity consumed during production. And anyway It seems wrong to me that is trying to reserve a Consumable.
It happens even if the MO is generated right but the quantities are not enough. It says Quantity: 10 Availability 8.0 Unit(s)
So I make MO for 2 more units and then it says:
Quantity: 10 Availability 10.0 Unit(s) (8.0 reserved)
So there is enough available but I cannot reserve them. Unreserve and Reserve does not solve it. I've seen reports about this since V7
Hello, this usually happens due to stock move exception. Possibly you have some custom module that is causing failure in scheduler.