For any inventory transaction (e.g. Delivery Order, Internal Transfer), you specify a from (source) and to (destination) location.
I'd expect that when you search for lots Odoo would only show inventory
In the source location (e.g. WH/Stock)
With an available quantity
But actually the search displays all lots in all locations. If you select a Lot in a different location it is displayed in red and you must select another lot, but the search doesn't help you find a correct lot.
When you create a Delivery Order, Odoo will select a valid Lot as the default, but if you want to change to select a different Lot then the system doesn't give you much help.
I understand that in many cases you know which Lots to use (and may scan a barcode) but not always.
I think the solution may not be so simple because the search is against stock.production.lot and the location is not stored on there, but would appreciate any advice or ideas.
[I saw that there is an add-on for Odoo 10 - Stock picking filter lot - but it doesn't work for Odoo 11]