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2 Replies
Physical Locations / Your Company   View                                 0.00    0.00
Physical Locations / Your Company / Output  Internal Location           38.00   38.00
Physical Locations / Your Company / Output / Stock  Internal Location   38.00   38.00
Partner Locations   View                                                 0.00    0.00
Partner Locations / Customers   Customer Location                        0.00    0.00
Partner Locations / Suppliers   Supplier Location                        0.00    0.00
Virtual Locations   View                                                 0.00    0.00
Virtual Locations / Inventory loss  Inventory                          -38.00   -38.00

When I try to do a quantity update of this product through the Inventory Update OPENERP subtracts the amount I enter from Output / Stock.

Also do I need to do a stock move to balance out the virtual location inventory loss and why do I have a negative number there?

Thank you very much

Best Answer

OpenERP's inventory follows the rule of dual-entry inventory, just like dual-entry accounting. Practically, this means that you cannot make products appear or disappear magically somewhere. If you have a product increase somewhere, you need to have a product decrease somewhere else. And vice versa.

When you use the quantity update button and increase a quantity, you are not telling OpenERP where these products come from, therefore OpenERP will assume that you "found" them (eg. under a shelf) and the opposite entry will be the same as where you "lose" products, that is the Inventory loss virtual location.

Best Answer

i got lost in flow 

it is supposed if you make internal  move request with quantity > forcasted quantity , accept this action   but how?


when can i create internal move request ? what is the cases 
