I discovered that my physical inventory doesnt match Odoo's inventory. So I went to the product's tab and found this:
which is weird because 50-16 != 40. So I explored the movements tab:
which shows all 16 units exited fine. So I decided to inspect the SO's individually, and found this:
Out of those 4 SO's, only SO7 has 2 deliveries for some reason. And if I click on those 2 deliveries I see:
As you can see I dont have any routing set up:
Im not sure how this happened or what it means. I need help with 2 things:
1. How can I find which other SO has 2 or more deliveries?
2. If the solution is to somehow reverse one of those deliveries, how do I do it?
3. How did it happen so I can avoid it in the future?