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I have a fresh installation of OpenERP 7 on Ubuntu desktop 12.04 and try to use the Thunderbird plugin. On Thunderbird (17.0.6) I installed the OpenERP plugin (1.0.1)

When I'm creating a contact from an email and the contact name only has plain letters, it works good. When the contact name has accented characters the encoding goes wrong. for example Stéphane becomes =?ISO-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane?=

The encoding is already wrong in the TB pop-up before I click on the "create partner" button. Then it is saved to OpenERP with the same errors.

The same problem happens with the attachement files names when I'm pushing emails to OpenERP Interestingly enough the body of the email is properly spelled in OpenERP.

I tried to modify the character encoding in TB (Character encoding in the Preferences) but with no success.

Any configuration I missed in TB or in the plugin? Thanks! For information on the server I installed CRM / Thunderbird Plig-In / Knowledge Management System.


I found out that there was a similar bug reported in for an earlier version: Bug #769486 (duplicate Bug #769971)