Hi @jd,
I'm sharing an example of how you can add your custom changes to the home menu (v15 enterprise).
1. Create your custom module and create files to write the below code
2. For styling. (.scss)
.o_custom_div {
border: 5px outset red;
background-color: lightblue;
3. To inherit HomeMenu template and add a new div in the home menu. (.xml)
4. To add a function to the HomeMenu component. (.js)
/* @odoo-module */
import { patch } from 'web.utils';
import { HomeMenu } from "@web_enterprise/webclient/home_menu/home_menu";
patch(HomeMenu.prototype, 'MyHomeMenu', {
// This function is called when we click on the div that we added in the HomeMenu template
_onItemClicked(ev) {
// Do Something
I hope This will help you.
Thanks & Regards,
Email: odoo@aktivsoftware.com
Skype: kalpeshmaheshwari