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I’m hoping someone can point me in a good direction or provide some ideas/insight on how I can replicate multi-company intercompany behavior in 2 distinct/separate databases. 

Right now odoo is setup as multi-company. Each company has their own employees. The customer-facing employees can only access their own contacts but managers can access contacts in both companies. 

Odoo’s implementation of multi-company works fine if everyone is allowed to view everyone’s contacts in multi-company but you start running into odd record rule issues with other modules or if records are generated and both companies are selected in the menu bar. It probably works fine in some organizations but in one I support it does not so I want to split the databases.

By splitting the databases all record rule issues are fine but we lose the ability for company_id 1 company_id 2 to generate PO/SO records in between and it’s actually my barrier to being able to make this happen. 

Anyone have any ideas on how I can solve this?

Best Answer

Please report the specifics of "odd record rule issues with other modules" and issues with "records generated when both companies are selected in the menu bar" as this is a standard supported configuration. 

If a user has multiple companies activated on his database, and he is editing a record, the editing happens on the record’s related company.

Example: if editing a sale order issued under JS Store US while working on the JS Store Belgium environment, the changes are applied under JS Store US (the company from which the sale order was issued). 

When creating a record, the company taken into account is:

  • The current company (the one active) or,

  • No company is set (on products and contacts’ forms for example) or,

  • The company set is the one linked to the document (the same as if a record is being edited).

In the example below, the user has access to three companies, two are activated, and the environment in use is of JS Store US



Hi Ray,

I appreciate when I see a response from you. I don’t want to waste your time and give you a sloppy response or scenario. I’ll recreate a scenario in runbot and provide screenshots here when it’s ready. Thank you! is where the scenario details need to go to reach the people who can address it.