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I using the quick installation file to install openerp in Windows Server 2012 foundation. I successfully installed the application and able to access the application using locahost:8069 but when i try to access through ip, it say cannot find such host.

Can anyone please advice.



I don't have much Windows experience but the message "Cannot find such host" usually indicates that the host isn't up/reachable. Are you sure that is the IP address of the box? What does ipconfig tell you?


ipconfig tell me is gateway is Subnet mask is

i install the same application in Windows 8 and able to access via internet IP. I need to access via internet IP only. Is there anything i need to set in Windows Server 2013 or Openerp?


Firewall issue, perhaps? Maybe you need to open port 8069 for incoming traffic on the server.

Cannot find the host usually doesn't indicate firewall problem - means cannot even resolve the host before trying to connect to any of it's ports. What happens if you ping that IP address?

If the fw is set to drop packets (instead of rejecting them) that is exactly the result you get, the host appears to not be up.

I am running a Windows 2012 Std Server & I find that a port is not open on the firewall, a remote client will often indicate host not found. I only get security/access responses after opening the port on the server.


thanks guys...appreciate all the help

Actually somebody should post an answer to the question so that this question can marked as resolved. That would help others who may have the same problem and also make the question disappear from the "unanswered" section.