i have an odoo v.8.0 server with workers and without longpolling, with directory that contains symlinks to addons.
I've created a python script that updates module list and installs module, creating symlink if neccesary. The command to install:
$ python odoo.py -c odoo.conf -d database --init=modulo --stop-after-init
All records that brings the module are created on database, but the server breaks and show logger messages like when you try to access to new records /models on browser:
2016-09-28 09:28:42,105 21264 ERROR xxxxxxxx openerp.addons.base.ir.ir_ui_view: Field `continent_id`doesn't exists
Context Error:
View `res.partner.form`[view_id: 126, xml_id: base.view_partner_form, model: res.partner, parent_id: n/a]
I only solve this problem restarting server. I want to know if is possible to avoid the restarting, something in style of --auto-reload option or like that,