I have a VPS server. And i want to install on my VPS server, openerp V7 and my website (written in PHP).
After installation, i want to send data from my website to postgresql database of openerp e.g: send username from my website to a specific table name on openerp postgresql database).
Here is my questions:
1) How i can install openerp v7 and a website (written in PHP) on the same VPS Server?
==> i want to run the website on: www.website.com
==> i want to run openerp on: openerp.website.com
2) I want to acces the openerp database with specific url e.g.
i don't want to have openerp.website.com:8069/?db=mydb but mydb.openerp.website.com
3) How can i comunicate my website (written in PHP) and the database of openerp ? (Should i use xmlrpc web service ?)
Actually, i have no idea of how i can do my goal. Any ideas are welcome.