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I am trying to find a solution to the issue listed above.

To clarify, warehouse gets almost daily deliveries of products.

Once those are delivered I need to be able to create a PO that is associated with that delivery ( number delivered, what is delivered etc. )

Also need for this to be added to stock ( I believe creating the PO will take care of this step but I am including it in case there is a better way ) 

Finally this needs to be able to semi automate ( PO's created automatically but can be manually confirmed )  Fully automated would be ideal but not asking for the moon.

Any thoughts on how to accomplish this would be very helpful.

Thank you


Not sure if Routes would be a viable solution but seems to be close.



Am I understanding correctly that your physical, real-world warehouse, is receiving products but that nothing is entered in Odoo at that stage?


Not exactly but close enough yes. Agreement is purchase parts per item made to our specs. When they get them finished they transport them to our plant. Could be 10 could be 50. Need to generate a PO for that number to be able to add it to inventory.
