Hi Guys, I'm trying to learn building websites in Odoo. I have sort of got the hang of inheriting id's etc.. so have been able to add a new template and place it below the header for example.
Im now looking to make changes to the product page ( Template ID: website_sale.product).
if i make the changes in the front end, i can achieve what i need to do, but i understand i shouldn't do this?
Is it possible to me to create a new file ( product.xml for example), and pop it in my theme/views folder and manefest..
then copy everything from website_sale.product into it and make the changes -- then some how override the original template?
What do i need to do to override a whole page template like this?
Or, is it ok to edit the original files, as long as not in the front end?
if so, where would i find website_sale.product so i can open it and edit it?
If any one can help that would be greatly appreciated. been trying to figure this out for hours, and im sure its simple!!