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I've inherited the `view_order_product_search` view with: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <odoo> <record id="view_order_product_search_inherit" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name"></field> <field name="model"></field> <field name="inherit_id" ref="sale.view_order_product_search"/> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <field name="date" position="after"> <field name="is_paid" /> <filter name="Pagado" string="Pagado" domain="[('is_paid', '=', True)]"/> </field> </field> </record> </odoo>
And the inherited model like (UPDATED):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.

from odoo import tools
from odoo import fields, models

import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SaleReport(models.Model):
_inherit = ['']
is_paid = fields.Boolean(string='Payment Received?', readonly=True)

def _query(self, with_clause='', fields={}, groupby='', from_clause=''):
fields['is_paid'] = ", s.is_paid as is_paid"
return super(SaleReport, self)._query(with_clause, fields, groupby=', s.is_paid')
and i'm able to install my moudule an Odoo 14 I have on my local raspberry, but when i try to install the module on a remote Odoo 13 I get:
El campo `is_paid` no existe
Contexto del error:
Vista ``
[view_id: 1852, xml_id: n/a, model:, parent_id: 736]
None" while parsing /opt/bitnami/apps/odoo/data/addons/13.0/pagado/report/sale_report_extended_views.xml...

I've checked and the `is_paid` column has been added to the `sale_order` table (cause i also added the field there) but I cannot see a `sales_report` table...

Also reading other posts I see it may be a deps problem, and I'm not sure which deps should I add besides: `'depends': ['base', 'sale'],`

Can i get some help here? I've been looking for days...

Best Answer


Can you try with this?

def _query(self, with_clause='', fields={}, groupby='', from_clause=''):
    fields['invoice_status'] = ', s.invoice_status as invoice_status'
    groupby += ', s.invoice_status'
    return super(SaleReport, self)._query(with_clause, fields, groupby, from_clause)

you need to remove groupby=', s.is_paid' while returning the call.

and ADD Dependency ---> sale_management
Author Best Answer

thanks for your help Niyas. I've updated my code as you suggested (you can see the update on my initial post), but the problem still persists, I think its a problem with the view, cause I manage to install the module without all the `report/` code and if I go to edit the view directly on the Odoo's frontend I get the exact same error...


also if in developer mode I go to the 'View fields' of the sale.order model I see the field listed there...

Best Answer


You have to inherit the  query of the model that creates this view and add the field into it. See an example of adding  margin field to the same model after inheriting.

class SaleReport(models.Model):
_inherit = ''

margin = fields.Float('Margin')

def _query(self, with_clause='', fields={}, groupby='', from_clause=''):
fields['margin'] = ", SUM(l.margin / CASE COALESCE(s.currency_rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN 1.0 ELSE s.currency_rate END) AS margin"
return super(SaleReport, self)._query(with_clause, fields, groupby, from_clause)

