In my module I'm overwriting a method 'stock.move' so I added _inherit = 'stock.move' then I added a message wizard to create a messages if statement is something. Everything works if I'm logged in as an admin, if I switch account into normal user it gives me an error Access denied, Can't create message. Ask your administrator ...
So I added in line _inherit = 'stock.move', 'mail.thread' ....
messaging works but it affects somehow 'stock.move' to be more specific it affects a mechanism which check product location and display the list of it where product actually is stored. So instead of very long list of locations I should get a shortlist with one/two/... locations.
If I remove 'mail.thread' from _inherit = '' location list works but it won't let me finish 'move' and displaying message that it can't create a message.
Why it affects my method or what should I add to have a right to create message?
Hi, Can you check the CRUD access to the new user's group to the model stock.move