Hello dear
I am trying to inherit filed under new tab in sale module's product section. I try and code is working fine but it's just showing tab not showing filed under that tab. Let me share my code with you. Please help me to find where i am missing
Here is my module code
class ProductTemplate (models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
field_name1 = fields.Char (string = "label for the field")
Here is my view code is
<record id = "product_template_sale" model = "ir.ui.view">
<field name = "name"> product.tamplate.tab </field>
<field name = "model"> product.template </field>
< field name = "inherit_id" ref = "product.product_template_only_form_view" />
<field name = "arch" type = "xml">
<page string = "Barcode">
<filed name = "field_name1" />
</ page>
There is showing new tab Barcode which i want to develop but filed is not showing there.
Why it's not showing and what i did wrong please help me to find it.