This is the account.invoice_form from a custom module.
I want to inherit In a new view everything except what is contained in the
Mediswitch_integration.inherit_invoice_form_1 as I do not want the new view to include fields added in that view, because it is part of a module that I do not want my new view to depend on
I have tried
<record id="account_invoice_cash_sales" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Cash Sale</field>
<field name="model">account.invoice</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="account.invoice_form"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
but the new view account_invoice_cash_sales still include all fields
ID | Sequence | View Name | External ID | |
1,473 | 16 | account.invoice.form.customer | account_accountant.account_invoice_view_form_customer | |
1,555 | 16 | account.invoice.view.form.inherit.payment | payment.account_invoice_view_form_inherit_payment | |
1,654 | 16 | account.invoice.form | account_deferred_revenue.view_invoice_revenue_recognition_category | |
1,766 | 16 | Account Invoice | sale.account_invoice_form | |
1,859 | 16 | | sale_stock.invoice_form_inherit_sale_stock | |
1,877 | 16 | account.invoice.form | website_sale.account_invoice_view_form | |
1,984 | 16 | account.invoice.form.inherit.timesheet | sale_timesheet.account_invoice_view_form_inherit_sale_timesheet | |
3,595 | 16 | invoice.form.cancel.inherit | account_cancel.invoice_form_cancel_inherit | |
3,908 | 16 | Customer Invoice | TOMS.inherit_invoice_form | |
3,985 | 16 | Customer Invoice | mediswitch_integration.inherit_invoice_form_mediswitch_1 | |
4,021 | 16 | Move Name | invoice_stock_move.customer_invoice_stock_move_view | |