Hello, this is my first question on this forum, I'm trying to display prices including taxes in the POS product list at the right side of the screen.
I created a custom module for this along with a template which extends the Product template like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<templates xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="onebarber.product" t-extend="Product">
<t t-jquery=".price-tag" t-operation="replace">
<t t-if="product.taxes_id > 0">
<t t-set="vat" t-value="1 + (widget.pos.taxes_by_id[product.taxes_id[0]]['amount'] / 100)"/>
<t t-if="product.taxes_id == 0">
<t t-set="vat" t-value="1"/>
<t t-set="price_with_vat" t-value="widget.format_currency(product.price * vat, 'Product Price')"/>
<t t-if="!product.to_weight">
<span class="price-tag">
<t t-esc="price_with_vat"/>
<t t-if="product.to_weight">
<span class="price-tag">
<t t-esc="price_with_vat+'/'+widget.pos.units_by_id[product.uom_id[0]].name"/>
When I put t-debug traces, I can see my code is called and prices are properly displayed in the Javascript debug console. But somehow, the prices at the POS screen are not updated.
Is there something I am missing in order to update the prices?