Hello everyone.
I am trying to import a bunch of sale orders and their respective lines from a csv file. I read that the correct way to do so is to make a single csv file containing the fields of both orders and lines. That is:
The first line of the order contains the general data of the order, and the data of the first line. The following lines have empty values for the order data and only has data for the specific line.
The following is the actual structure of my file (except i obscured some data for obvious privacy reasons):
The first row contains the column definitions, columns with IGNORE are columns that i do not want link with an odoo field. And yes there are some custom columns in here (Eser, prot, num etc) which are defined in the respective models:
Eser;Prot;Num;IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;Order Date;Order Lines / Sequence;Order Lines / Product;Order Lines / Description;IGNORE;Order Lines / Colli;Order Lines / Unit of Measure;Order Lines / Quantity;Order Lines / Unit Price;Order Lines / Codice IVA;IGNORE;Order Lines / Lotto;IGNORE;IGNORE;Customer / External ID;Order Lines / Tara Totale
2018;FTES;859;AVIS;0;2145.03;2018-12-05 00:00:00;EUR;1;A;2018-12-05 00:00:00;5;B;BANANE T.T.;SF;96;C;1768.2;0.65;NI41;1768.2;2018045648;CI;1149.33;XXXYYY;1.3; ;;;;;;;;;;2018-12-05 00:00:00;10;RA;RAPE;304;20;C;229;0.3;NI41;229;2018046185;IT;68.7;XXXYYY;0.4;
;;;;;;;;;;2018-12-05 00:00:00;15;CAR;CAROTE;IK10;104;C;1040;0.58;NI41;1040;2018046218;IT;603.2;XXXYYY;0.5;
;;;;;;;;;;2018-12-05 00:00:00;20;CIP;CIPOLLOTTI;305;64;C;241;0.5;NI41;241;2018045891;IT;120.5;XXXYYY;0.5;
;;;;;;;;;;2018-12-05 00:00:00;25;CF;CAVOLFIORI;406;65;C;502;0.15;NI41;502;2018046258;IT;75.3;XXXYYY;0.6;
;;;;;;;;;;2018-12-05 00:00:00;30;RAP;RAPANELLI;M20B;32;C;32;4;NI41;;2018046209;IT;128;XXXYYY;;
The import does not return any error, but instead of one order with six lines, Odoo creates six orders with a single line each.
I remember that i was able to do a correct import months ago, but I can't find what is causing this unexpected result now. Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you for any help...