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i want to import receipts to odoo inventory 

but when import file i get an error saying that programation error: we use product_uom_qty instead of product_qty

if someone has any idea how to fix this


Are you importing through the xlsx files that are located under the Favorites menu ?


I am importing stock.picking on the inventory 

What i did is i just change the field and it worked. 

i want to know why it is not a best practice?

Beacue Odoo is hiding the field and making it readonly so that you don't use product_uom_qty and instead use product_qty in Purchase. But from your end you are importing your data to inventory receipts product_uom_qty it has quantity_done field so you just have to replace the field name and it will work.

Best Answer

If by recepits you mean "Purchase Order" then yes in s by using the xlsx import feature in Favorites menu you can change the column from 'product_qty' to 'product_uom_qty' in the import tool just click on the x icon to replace it.


But the purchase app already uses the product_qty and the product_uom_qty is a computed field and its a readonly field so just keep in mind that it's not a best practice 

Happy to help :) an upvote will be awesome
