Got 2 classes, some data are loaded into the class_1 some into class_2, class_2 contain 1 many2one and required fields
class_1 contain one2many.
loading data from CSV and everything seems to be ok but ....
Until I'm not trying to display it as a one2many.
Placed separately on the page displayed correctly so apparently data stored as it should be.
Once I put it into <tree> won't display a bit :(
#--------------- Class 2----------------
class class2(models.Model):
_name = 'class2'
_description = 'Class 2'
item_order_line = fields.Many2one('class1','Item')
item_id = fields.Char('Item Number')
item_title = fields.Char('Item Title')
quantity_ordered = fields.Integer('Quantity')
sale_price = fields.Char('Sale Price')
#----------------- Class 1 -----------------
class class1(models.Model):
_name = 'class1'
_description = 'Class 1'
_inherit = ['class2']
#------------------ o2m -----------------
order_line = fields.One2many('class2','item_order_line',string='Order Lines')
What I'm doing wrong ? Why I can see data in table ?