When a customer is receiving an email, for example from the sales quote, the company logo image does not appear.
I inspect the image source to find the URL that Odoo is putting in the email for the logo, and it shows the local private IP address instead of public domain name:
http://<server IP address>:8069/logo.png?company=1
I guess this should be <server DOMAIN name>, not IP address, since it is being viewed in an external email client.
Any ideas how to fix this? Odoo Community v13.0
Or how to edit the email template header manually to fix the address? I tried but could not find it in the email templates - just the bodies of emails appear to be editable.
When I set web.base.url to the domain name instead of http://localhost:8069, it won't open the email sending dialogue properly. I think wkhtmltopdf causes the server to hang, as reports are also affected by it and take a few minutes to render. When they finally do render, they are messed up.
Having searched about this a bit, I tried setting report.url for wkhtmltopdf to in the odooserver.conf but that didn't seem to help.
Any ideas?
Ok! Solved it. :)
Reports are working again and also the external image is now being rendered with the domain name!
Thanks for your help @Ravi !
So, for anyone else that may be reading, for one, report.url is not a server parameter. It belongs in the database (oops).
I was thrown off because it's not present at any value in the GUI at first. You have to create it if it's not there (in the developer mode, under system parameters).
Finally, it seems you might have to be pretty careful about including the trailing forward slash on the IP you specify for report.url.
This answer helped me! https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/question/wkhtmltopdf-pdf-template-isn-t-formatted-properly-missing-header-etc-134736