I try to modify web_export_view to export only some of fields, any idea what should I put down where indicated:
openerp.web_export_view = function (instance) {
var _t = instance.web._t, QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
redraw: function () {
var self = this,
view_manager = self.getParent() && self.getParent().ViewManager,
view_name = view_manager && view_manager.active_view,
active_view = view_name && view_manager.views[view_name];
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (active_view && active_view.controller instanceof instance.web.ListView) {
self.$el.find('.oe_sidebar').append(QWeb.render('AddExportViewMain', {widget: self}));
self.$el.find('.oe_sidebar_export_view_xls').on('click', self.on_sidebar_export_view_xls);
on_sidebar_export_view_xls: function (e, active_domain) {
// Select the first list of the current (form) view
// or assume the main view is a list view and use that
var self = this,
view = this.getParent(),
fields_view = view.fields_view,
children = view.getChildren(),
deferred = new jQuery.Deferred();
if (children) {
children.every(function (child) {
if (child.field && child.field.type == 'one2many') {
view = child.viewmanager.views.list.controller;
return false; // break out of the loop
if (child.field && child.field.type == 'many2many') {
view = child.list_view;
return false; // break out of the loop
return true;
export_columns_keys = [];
export_columns_names = [];
$.each(view.visible_columns, function () {
if (this.tag == 'field') {
if( _____________________?name == 'date_order') <------------------ ???
// non-fields like `_group` or buttons