Odoo de-branding module is available at: https://apps.openerp.com/apps/modules/8.0/web_debranding/
It performs the following things:
Backend debranding
Removes references to odoo.com:
Deletes Odoo label in footer
Replaces "Odoo" in page title
Replaces "Odoo" in help message for empty list
Deletes Odoo link (as well as "Manage databases" link) from login page
Deletes About Odoo link
Replaces default logo by empty image
Replaces "Odoo" in Dialog Box
Replaces "Odoo" in strings marked for translation.
Replaces default favicon to a custom one
Hides Modules menu (by default, only admin user see Modules menu. You could change it via tick "Show Modules Menu" in user's access rights tab)
Removes odoo.com bindings (via disable_openerp_online module)
Deletes "Sent by ... using OpenERP" footer in email (via mail_delete_sent_by_footer module)
By default the module replaces "Odoo" to "Software". To configure module open Settings\System Parameters and modify
web_debranding.new_title (put space in value if you don't need Brand in Title)
Further debranding
install website_debranding module if module "Website Builder" is installed in your system
uninstall im_odoo_support module.
delete "Odoo.com Accounts" record at Settings\Users\OAuth Providers if module "OAuth2 Authentication" is installed. in your system
to debrand /web/database/manager:
add web_debranding to server wide modules, e.g.
./odoo.py --load=web,web_kanban,web_debranding
edit addons/web/views/database_manager.html file:
delete or modify <title> tag
delete or modify favicon
right after script tag with src="/web/static/src/js/boot.js" add code below:
<!-- debranding -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/web_debranding/static/src/js/main.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/web_debranding/static/src/js/title.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/web_debranding/static/src/js/about.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/web_debranding/static/src/js/dialog.js"></script>
<link href="/web_debranding/static/src/css/database_manager.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
Auto-debrand new databases
To automatically install this module for every new databases set 'auto_install': True in __openerp__.py files of following modules:
But i think i did not ask anything bad, neither abused anyone. Its a simple question. Is odoo debranding for personal or single user, allowed or not?