1- how to use if condition in computed filed to return two values depended in other filed
2- where can i learn to use python code in odoo
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1- how to use if condition in computed filed to return two values depended in other filed
2- where can i learn to use python code in odoo
Hello Ossama,
Please find below link it may help,
As an example, you may use the same method to implement it. I hope it is useful to you.
type_name = fields.Char('Type Name', compute='_compute_type_name')
def _compute_type_name(self):
for record in self:
record.type_name = ('Quotation') if record.state in ('draft', 'sent', 'cancel') else ('Sales Order')
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Please read the developer documentation first: https://www.odoo.com/documentation/11.0/ and then ask specific questions by providing the necessary information.
I want to till you something
I'm not developer and I am not interest to be
I use odoo online with odoo studio
I just need to add if equation to field Over Time in my employee attendance module
If worked_hours > 10
Over_time = ((worked_hours)-8 )*2
Over time = ((worked_hors)-9))*3
I know to use it in pythin but don't know how to applied it in odoo
Thank you
rom: Ermin Trevisan [mailto:trevi@twanda.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2019 2:58 PM
To: ossama.saeed@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: if condition
Please read the developer documentation first: https://www.odoo.com/documentation/11.0/ and then ask specific questions by providing the necessary information.
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