From The Accounting
Product Name qty Unit Price Tax Amount
USB dsd 200000 Product Sales 1.00000 55.56000 ITAX X 55.5500000
55.5500000 €
Tax 0.0000000 €
Total 55.5500000 €
When I click on this Invoice report ,I got below out put..,
Total Without Taxes 55.52 €
Taxes 0.00 €
Total 55.52 €
I dont want to round this value..How its possible Need a help...........
but I need the same output as Form view..
Total Without Taxes 55.550000 €
Taxes 0.00 €
Total55.550000 €
Same Issue I am Facing in Profit and Loss,Balance Sheet.I want to avoid odoo rounding methods from the all the reports..
Thanks in advane..