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3 Replies

i want to add my countries payment method like Yoco or payfast. I want to know if it's possible to add it.

Best Answer

Hello, the anwser is yes. Any payment provider in any contries can be add into odoo thanks to its dynamic payment module.

You will need to it like what odoo does with some payment module in CE like payment_paypal for example because each payment method which integrated in odoo probably will have it own API

-> Which mean you will need to know coding unless you buy app about this :v


where can i add that?

I find this API Documention
You will need to read it and create a module for it just like some already existed module like payment_paypal, payment_adyen
It not just simple that go to odoo and add a payment provider call "payfast" then you can it make payment with it, you need to code or hire a developer to code or by a module in apps store :v

If you find this information useful, please mark my answer as best


So i got the Yoco v16, but i'm using v17 can't that be integrated or do i have to write a script that communicated with odoo

I think you need to upgrade module into v17 , but you try to install that module in v17 first

Author Best Answer

Thank you for the response 

I want to add Yoco when i tried to add it, i got errors 

Best Answer


Yes, it is possible to add your country's payment method like Yoco or payfast. If the payment provider is available in the Odoo app store, you can install it if it supports your country or you can integrate it with Odoo.

Go to Accounting > Configuration > Settings and scroll down to the Online Payments section. Click on Add a Payment Provider and select the payment provider you want to add, If you don't see your provider listed, you can create a custom payment provider.

Hope it helps
