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3 Replies

I'm creating a custom module connected many2one to res_partner, that has some data for tasks that the contact has. I've tried first with a selection field and then with a many2one field, but nothing worked.

Can some one help, am I doing it wrong, is there a better way?

The try with selection field

def get_contacts_projects(self):
        selection_list = list()        
        if self.partner_id:
            following = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search([('partner_id', '=',,
                                                                  ('res_model', '=', 'project.project')])
            partners_sub_projects = list()
            for follow in following:

            projects = self.env['project.project'].sudo().search([('analytic_account_id.parent_project_id', '!=', False),
                                                                     ('id', '=', partners_sub_projects),
                                                                     ('active', '=', True)
            for project in projects:
                selection_list.append((, project.sudo()
        return selection_list

# the fields
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Contact', required=True, ondelete='cascade') 
project_id = fields.Selection(selection=lambda self: self.get_contacts_projects())

The try with Many2one field

def get_contacts_projects(self):
        selection_list = list()        
        if self.partner_id:
            following = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search([('partner_id', '=',,
                                                                  ('res_model', '=', 'project.project')])
            for follow in following:
return selection_list

# the fields

partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Contact', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
project_id = fields.Many2one('project.project', string='Pod področje', domain=lambda self: [('id', 'in', self.get_contacts_projects())]) 


If you don't want to help you don't need to comment! I know how to use google and I didn't find a working answers on it! That's why I posted my problem on the forum!

Best Answer


just a few notes regarding:

1. For making a selection method: it doesn't seem appropriate. The list of values becomes dynamic, what means that a really selected value might have been excluded from final selection lists. Such approach might be done even in case selection values might be enriched, not decreased. The simple example of a similar approach from the core:

def _return_model(self):
    self._cr.execute("SELECT model, name FROM ir_model ORDER BY name") 
  return self._cr.fetchall()

It is also important here, that in your method you do not have self.partner_id. When selection values are initiated, the field / model may be hardly achieved. So, selection is not an option for you without re-defining core methods.

2. For making a many2one field: it is seems much more appropriate. The point is that you selection values depend on an actually chosen field. Besides, you may also make many2one field shown as selection using the widget 'selection' in your xml view.

However, in your example you made it wrong: for dynamic domain you should apply onchange. I do not fully remember the syntax but it should be something like:

def _onchange_partner_id(self):
    project_ids = [1, 2, 3] # find project by followers
    return {'domain': {'project_id': [('id', 'in', project_ids)]}}


According to the last comment: I guess the simplest way would be to make a wizard to select a project. So:

  1. Add the button 'Select a project' to a partner above the hours table

  2. As soon as he button is pressed our partner is saved and has real id (default button behaviour)

  3. The button click leads to an action with a new popup with 2 fields: (a) partner (current partner, invisible); (b) project_id → we apply on_change for a partner to make domain for selecting a project. It would be triggered since partner is applied by default as active_id

  4. A user selects a project among viable ones and press the button 'save' in the popup

  5. We write a selected project in a current partner 'project_id' field

  6. Hours are re-calculated


yeah... I know that the selection concept is wrong, but I tried it, because the filter domain didn't work. In filtering m2o field by domain it works like you made a example, with a fixed list, but NOT when you need first search the followers. The 'partner_id' doesn't change, because it expands the res_partner form view with a tree view.

Hi, then make onchange for any other field, which has default. Default will trigger onchange and domain would be updated


I'm trying to get it working, but I never used such a return. How is this used on the m2o field definition? I tried with no domain definition on the field but it doesn't work.

There is no need to specify domain for a field. The onchange should work. Look for example at - So, first of all, check that the onchange method is triggered (just some print or logger). Then, check that domain is constructed Okay (again some print like print ([('id', 'in', project_ids)])).


Thanks for help, but it just won't work. Like I said if I return a fixed list like in your example it works your way or my way with lambda. The problem is that when you edit the line the partner_id relation is a <new Object> so it can't find it in the mail.followers table. I'll try using a wizard to bypass this <new Object> crap. Even if your way didn't work I'll up vote your answer for all the time you took for helping me

Thank you for up-voting, although it is not my goal. By the way, if partner_id is a new object, it means that is not yet created (and would be created only when this object is saved). Thus, it means that you created partner_id in the field, don't you? But how then, a partner might be a follower in a project?

By the way, I just understood that my offer will anyway work only for the very first case, when partner is changed, but would be not updated afterwards, while it is needed (a partner might become a follower for new projects), isn't it?

We can't also use some sort of compute field, since it is impossible to search in non-stored fields, while there is no way to apply 'depends' on this partner followed projects (just there is no such stored field).

So, I'm afraid any of approaches here would lead to very limited results. In my opinion, there is a need to re-consider initial goal, otherwise the only way would be to make the special js widget for that which would be also low-performing.

Could you please elaborate what business purpose you trying to achieve? Not in terms of models and fields, but in terms of logical aim?


The <new Object> for a ID is not only used when the record is not yet created, but it's the value of every relation when you edit the record. I tried creating the record with a button and set the partner_id.

My goal is to have on a contact(res.partner), usable hours for a project to be used in tasks timesheets where the contact is the customer of the task.

so on the contacts form view you have a tree view for the usable hours by project. The contact can have tasks on all projects he is a follower.

The whole module with the hours is working, only the project selection for the usable hours line on contact isn't working.

I really have no clue how to do this.

I offers a simple way to achieve the same goal in the section 'update' of my initial answer. As for not having a wizard: I really guess the only way is to make a wizard, or use, for example, many2many_checkboxes widget with computed project_ids


yeah... I figured as much that I'll need to use a wizard. I first tried with a button that creates the record with the partner_id and then I tried to fill the selection field with a method that gotten me the projects, but the method didn't work because of the same <new Object> problem.

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