This question if for Odoo V11 CE.
I understand the way in which we use analytic accounts to track income and expenditure and the way in which we enter 'Budget Lines' for each individual component within each Budget. I also understand the reasons why each 'Budget Line' has an analytic account associated with it.
I kind of understand how we might want to give each 'Budget Line' a label that would indicate whether it's an income or expense that we are anticipating, and I get that 'Budgetary Positions' provide a way to label each line accordingly.
What I don't understand is how the accounts from the General Ledger chart of accounts that we associate with 'Budgetary Positions' function with respect to budgeting in Odoo.
Is there a report somewhere that compares the analytic account budget to journal entries for the specified general ledger accounts? Given that multiple budgets might relate to one budgetary position though, I'm not sure what the point of the report would be anyway.
There seems to be very little explanation of budgetary positions in the official Odoo docs, or anywhere else that I've found on the internet for that matter. Can anyone give me some clues as to what they are for?