I can't see the value of field Many2one: propietari. I install the application and the value of propietari is: taller.propietaris, 1. I only see the class and the ID of the database.
I have the following code:
#-*-encoding:utf-8-*-from openerp import models, fields
class taller_propietaris(models.Model):
_name= 'taller.propietaris'
nom= fields.Char('Nom', size=150, required=True)
telf= fields.Char('Telèfon', size=9)
adreca= fields.Char('Adreça', size=50)
class taller_cotxes(models.Model):
_name= 'taller.cotxes'
marca= fields.Char('Marca', size=50)
precio= fields.Char('Model', size=50)
color= fields.Char('Model', size=10)
matricula= fields.Char('Matricula', size=7)
bastidor= fields.Char('Bastidor', size=20)
comentaris= fields.Text('Comentaris')
propietari= fields.Many2one('taller.propietaris', 'Propietari')
<record id="taller.cotxes_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">taller.cotxes.form</field>
<field name="model">taller.cotxes</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="marca"/>
<field name="precio"/>
<field name="color"/>
<field name="portes"/>
<field name="matricula"/>
<field name="marca"/>
<field name="bastidor"/>
<field name="comentaris"/>
<field name="propietari"/>
How can I see the value of field Many2one?
Thank you Bharat Parmar,
I use _rec_name='nom'
You help me with your comment.