in Odoo 8 , when I need to know the current database name I activate the developer mode. in odoo 7 the database name was included in the url to the current view. Is there any easier way to get the database in Odoo 8 instead of activating the developer mode.
Moreover, when the database name is pretty long, I found that I have to "Insepect Element" from the browse so I can see the full database name.
any help?
hey friend; Try using this URL: Good Luck
his link discusses the "database manager", this is not my case, I need to get the DATABASE NAME Also, no need to downvote my question, I think this is a plausible problem, and anyone could face and request a resolution
Tarek, his answer is totally valid! You will see the database name in the list of database. You can also use a PostgreSQL client (pgAdmin) and see all your DBs... which is not specifically Odoo related.