I am trying to add custom messages to inform our users when they check-in or check-out but there is never specified how does JS inheritance work in Odoo 15 or which files are required and what enheritance is needed...
Ive created custom module with js file, and views inheriting the template and linking my js file, but it just gives me a blank odoo page ..
this is my views xml file
<odoo><templateid="hr_attendance_welcome_asset_ext"inherit_id="hr_attendance.hr_attendance_action_greeting_message"> <xpathexpr="."position="inside"> <scripttype="text/javascript" src="/hr_attendance_welcome/static/src/js/greeting_message.js">script> xpath>template>odoo>
odoo doesnt allow to add the code correctly so ignore mistakes.
also if you can give me a quick overview or help how to inherit the JS file, it would be highly appreciated, the file is greeting_message.js
Than you