I'm working on update the sale order lines with discount value, and there is some product has an option no discount, that means ignoring then while distributing the discount values on the lines
here is the method
@api.onchange('discount_type', 'discount_rate', 'order_line', 'discount_durar')
def set_lines_discount(self):
total = discount = 0.0
for line in self.order_line:
if self.discount_type == 'percentage':
if line.no_discount_field:
line.discount_durar = 0
line.discount_durar = self.discount_rate
if line.no_discount_field == True:
line.discount_durar = 0
total += (line.product_uom_qty * line.price_unit)
if self.discount_rate != 0:
discount = (self.discount_rate / total) * 100
discount = self.discount_rate
for line in self.order_line.search([('no_discount_field', '=', False)]):
line.discount_durar = discount
it's worked well in all conditions except the last one which I used search on it, it needs the order to be saved to be calculated and to loop over the lines.
how can in loop over the lines with a condition before I save the order?