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I have span tag which contain a method define in parser now I want to add additional parameter and used in inherit xml template How can I so existing methods get replaced with new, Below is my xml code for main model:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<template id="report_team_wizard_multi">
<t t-call="web.html_container">
<t t-call="web.external_layout">
<h3>Pay Slip</h3>
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="emp">
<sapn t-esc="data['form']['date']"/> <!--fields used from wizard must be like this-->
<strong class="text-uppercase">Name:</strong>
<span t-field=""/>
<strong class="text-uppercase">Email:</strong>
<span t-field=""/>
<strong class="text-uppercase">Department:</strong>
<span t-field="emp.comp_name"/>
<strong class="text-uppercase">Contact Number:</strong>
<span t-field=""/> <!--TODO 8.8 print information from model-->
<strong class="text-uppercase">Reporting To:</strong>
<span t-field="emp.parent_id"/>
<table width="100%" class="table-primary">
<t t-foreach="emp.salary_ids" t-as="sal">
<span t-field="sal.month"/>
<span t-field="sal.basic"/>
<td class="text-success">
<span t-field="sal.allowance"/>
<td class="text-danger">
<span t-field="sal.deduction"/>
<b>Total Gross:</b>
<span t-esc="get_total_gross(emp.salary_ids)"/>
<b>House Rent Allowance:</b>
<span t-esc="data['form']['house_rent_allowance']"/> <!--TODO 8.8 wizard's field-->
<span t-esc="get_ctc(emp.salary_ids, data['form']['house_rent_allowance'])"/>
<span t-esc="sign"/>
Benefit for all employee will be 10000, Total Gross + Benefits + House Rent Allowance = CTC

And Here my inherit xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!-- TODO: 8.18 -->
<template id="report_team_wizard_multi_inherit" inherit_id="workshop_aftersales.report_team_wizard_multi">
<xpath expr="//span[@t-field='emp.parent_id']" position="after">
<strong>Medical Insurance:</strong>
<span t-esc="data['form']['med_insure']"/>

<xpath expr="//span[@t-esc='get_ctc(emp.salary_ids, data['form']['house_rent_allowance'])']" position="replace">
<!-- <xpath expr="//a[@name='ctc']" position="before">-->
<span t-esc="get_ctc(emp.salary_ids, data['form']['house_rent_allowance'], data['form']['med_insure'])"/>


This gave me error, lxml.etree.XPathSyntaxError: Invalid predicate

Thank you.

Best Answer

The error message is because this xpath is wrong:

//span[@t-esc='get_ctc(emp.salary_ids, data['form']['house_rent_allowance'])'

you have ' in ', nothing related with

 <span t-esc/>
Author Best Answer

Hey there, thanks but I've figured it out. Thanks anyway!!


Hey, i have a similary error, hat solution did you find ?