I have following code:
odoo.define('module_name.templates', function(require){
"use strict";
$(document).ready(function() {
var rpc = require('web.rpc');
function getProductBySKU(){
var domain = [];
var args = [domain];
var res = rpc.query({
model: 'product.template',
method: 'search',
args: args
}).then(function (products) {
console.log(product); });
With that code it gives me Array of numbers, e.x. [1,2]. Length of array is equal to number of entries I have, but no objects at all. If I replace the domain with something like [('id', '=', 2)] I get error "Int object is not subscriptable". So my question: is it possible to get list of objects from database with search method or at least get the fields from specified DB entries.
I also tried with search_read method. Like this:
odoo.define('shift_knob.templates', function(require){
"use strict";
$(document).ready(function() {
var rpc = require('web.rpc');
function getProductBySKU(){
console.log("Hello world!");
var domain = [('id', '=', 2)];
var args = [domain];
var res = rpc.query({
model: 'product.template',
method: 'search_read',
args: [[], ['name', 'default_code']]
/* args: args */
}).then(function (products) {
console.log(products); });
I get the list of objects with name, default code, but I can use only id as identificator and not the fields I want