Hello there,
We have made an override of the received_message javascript method of the im_chat module.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<template id="override_im_chat_backend" name="" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/im_chat_lapagept/static/src/js/override.js"></script>
<template id="override_im_chat_frontend" inherit_id="website.assets_frontend" name="">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/im_chat_lapagept/static/src/js/override.js"></script>
openerp.im_chat_lapagept = function(instance) {
received_message: function(message) {
var self = this;
var session_id = message.to_id[0];
var uuid = message.to_id[1];
//This code has been commented by us
//if (! this.get("window_focus")) {
this.set("waiting_messages", this.get("waiting_messages") + 1);
var conv = this.sessions[uuid];
// fetch the session, and init it with the message
var def_session = new openerp.Model("im_chat.session").call("session_info", [], {"ids" : [session_id]}).then(function(session){
conv = self.activate_session(session, false);
This new code works well in the backend. But not on the frontend.
On the frontend, it seems that the original received_message method is still used.
We think that the problem is in the im_livechat.js file where the original received_message method is also overriden.
received_message: function(message) {
So our question is : how could we use our new method also in im_livechat.js???