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Hello! I'm new in Odoo and I don't understand how to use ORM.  

Previously, I worked on Django and for get or create record you have to:

1. Import model, like: from app.models import TestModel

2. Get record with id=1: TestModel.objects.get(id=1)

3. Create new record: 1) test_model = TestModel(...) 2)

Here, in Odoo is any posibility to do like that?

My task is:

1. To get record, for example, by id

2. Receive data from external endpoint and save it in Model ProductCategory. I want to do it via script.

Thank you in advance for your help )


1. To get record(s) by ID: self.env['model_name'].browse(id or list of ids)
2. To save it in product category:
for r in data_from_external_endpoint:
self.env['product.category'].create({'name':'new category name','parent_id':id_of_parent})

They have great documentation here: . Also i recomend you spend sometimes reading through some OCA or Odoo model codes to get the hang of it.