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As an on premise Odoo user we sometimes need to change the source code. when we have few changes on source code it is very hard to update the code from main repository.

 I am a newbie to git and github, how do I do with git and github ?

Author Best Answer

with this setup I forked a copy of odoo on github. When I will need a code change I will change the code and test on my test server when it is ok I will merge that code change to my github fork.

On the other hand my production server will run from the same github fork and updated from that source when necessary.

If main odoo branches has updates we will update our forked repo from main repository with rebase function thus we will have our changes and updates together.

Steps 1 2 3

fork with github

  • You can change the repository name if you like from settings of your forked repository

  • To increase download speed of github you should add the following file to .ssh folder of your user
  •    ~/.ssh/config 

        ControlMaster auto
        ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p
        ControlPersist yes

  • Now you can clone your fork to your test/production server (Since I need 7.0 branch I use --branch 7.0 )

git clone --branch 7.0

  • Before making code change it is better if you create a new branch for your code change and make changes on that branch. When changes are ok you can merge that branch with main branch and delete the development branch
  • with checkout  command you can switch to branch you want

git checkout 7.0

Since we cloned 7.0 branch we get a response Already on '7.0'

Already on '7.0'

  • Create a new branch with branch command   git branch [branch-name]

 git branch dev-test1

  • list branches you have with just  git branch 

git branch


* 7.0

*  means you are on that branch we can switch to another branch with git checkout [branchname] 

  • Switch to dev-test1 branch

git checkout dev-test1


Switched to branch 'dev-test1'


  • Make your necessary code changes, and add your changed files to start tracking on them. For easiness I add all of the files in directory and  subdirectories with 

git add .

  • You can see what has changed with status command 

git status -s

This will list changed files in the repo.

  • To see the difference in files you can use diff command

git diff --cached

  • For the first time you need to tell git your name and email address (you need to do this once for your server)

git config --global 'Your Name'
git config --global

  • Make commit of your changes with adding an explanation

git commit -m 'Your Commit explanation comes here'



  • Send your commit to your central github repository with push command by declaring which branch and which remote to use 
    git push [remote-alias] [branch]

git push origin dev-test1

It will ask for your username and password for github as below. and write a message like below to show your push.

Username for '': aaltinisik
Password for '':
 * [new branch]      dev-test1 -> dev-test1

You can now see you commit from

  • To merge from web interface of github click on green Compare & pull request button
  • On next screen you should choose base fork and base branch to merge

  • After selecting branch you can click green Create pull request button.

  • Since you have merge rights on your fork you will see a green Merge pull request button click to merge.

  • You need to confirm

  • Now that we merged you can delete the dev-test1 branch on github by clicking Delete branch button

  • You could also do this merge on your server from command line like below.
  • we should first go to the base branch we want to merge

git checkout 7.0

  • merge the dev-test1 branch with git merge [branch_to_merge] command 

git merge dev-test1

  • since we merged dev-test1 branch we don't need it anymore we can delete it with git branch -d dev-test1

​git branch -d dev-test1

  • If we merged from the web interface of github we should update our local copy by

git checkout 7.0
git pull origin
git branch -d dev-test1

  • If we merged locally we can update our github fork  from our local repository with

git push origin 7.0


How do I get the updates from main repository to my server and to my github repository.

  • Add main odoo repository as remote  named "upstream"  to be able to get updates also from main repository also. For main odoo repository you address should be I used here Community backport url (you need to do this once for your server)

 git remote add upstream

  • After adding main repository you can check your remote repositories with following command

git remote -v

will have an output like below

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

We see here we have two remote repositories now named  origin (our own forked repo on github) and upstream (OCA repo to get future updates)

  • Update your repository on your server from main repository "upstream" branch 7.0 with rebase

git checkout 7.0
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/7.0

Since we go back in time and changed the history of our repo we should update our github fork with --force parameter 

git push origin 7.0 --force



  • To increase download speed of github you should add the following file to .ssh folder of your user


    ControlMaster auto
    ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p
    ControlPersist yes

  • If you do not like to use public github server you can just use git between your servers without any central github repository.
  • I used following web sites as a source  and
  • I am total newbie to git and github so corrections are wellcome 



from your perspective: is this a scenario for a developer/integrator of for an Oddo/OpenERP 7.0 user with an installation based on the github sources?


Yes :)

I wonder whether that would be a good method to host and maintain custom modules (even if you never touched the original odoo code)

Thanks for the great guide. Just a quick noob question, where can I find the openerp-server.conf file which is usually located in /etc/ when doing a package install. I found one under ../install but is seems to be a sample as settings are not updated here when I change configuration. I tried copying the file manually to /etc and start openerp with the "--conf=" switch but is still does not seem to use that file even though it loads fine. Any help would be appreciated.