n my odoo app I have a 'plantation' model with a one2many field "crop_ids". I have created a form view, and inside that form view I am showing the crop_ids as a tree. What I want to do is to show only the crops with an specific condition. I try to use a domain in the view with domain="[('is_verified', '=', True)]", but this is not working. It is showing all crops. It is important tho appy the domain in the view and not in the model, cause I have other form view that needs to show all crops inside. This is my code and is not working.
My full code is here
page name="crop" string="Crop list" field name="crop_ids" domain="[('is_verified', '=', True)]" tree create="0" delete="0" field name="name_seq" field name="rubro" tree field page