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I know odoo provide attribue "attrs" that can modify invisible, readonly, etc. 
for example :

<div class="border border-budget-gap-plus rounded p-2" attrs="{'invisible':[('budget_gap','&gt;','0')]}">



But I just found that in report or any template can use t-att-class, t-if, t-else, etc

Why form view cannot use this? I tried using it like below

<div t-att-class="'border ' + (state === 'draft' ? 'border-budget-gap-minus' : 'border-budget-gap-plus') + ' rounded p-2'">

     <field name="state"/>


but the result is still using 'border-budget-gap-plus' even the state is not 'draft'. If the state is not 'state', it should be 'border-budget-gap-plus', right?

is my implementation wrong? or it's just Odoo that not allow this?

Best Answer

In Odoo, there's a bit of a distinction between how you can use dynamic attributes and expressions in different places within the system. When you're in the land of QWeb reports or website templates, you've got those handy t-att-*, t-if, t-else, and their pals to make your HTML as dynamic as a flash mob in Times Square. These directives are part of QWeb templating engine magic, which allows for a lot of dynamic content control based on conditions, loops, and variable content.

However, when you hop over the fence to the XML-based form views in the Odoo backend, the party rules change. Here, Odoo uses a different system to manage dynamics like visibility, editability, and so on. That's where attrs steps in! The attrs attribute in form views allows you to control the visibility, readonly status, and required status of form fields based on domain-like expressions.

Why can't you use t-att-class in form views? Well, it's because form views don't use the QWeb engine in the same way templates do. They have their own XML schema and set of rules. So, the form view engine won't recognize t-att-* or t-if/t-else directives. It's like trying to use HTML tags in a JSON file; the system just isn't built to understand those instructions in that context.

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