I want to see all event/meeting where "user_id==uid" and "uid.name == partner_ids"?
I try to create a new filter :
But uid.name is not a variable. I try "uid.name", uid.name , "user_id.name" , user_id.name and domain="[('partner_ids','ilike',self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).partner_id.name)]" but no one work.
I think I'm misunderstanding the right way to use domain field, not just in search view.
How can I use a var that is not a field of model but from database like res_users.name or res_users.partner_id.name ?
it's a many2many field. it point to crm_meeting_partner_rel table. If I set ('partner_ids','ilike','james') I've the right filter.