I'm trying to update the value of the "Attributes & Variants" checkbox within "Sales > Configuration > Settings > Products" of Odoo 10. I would like to check this box automatically when my module is installed. I thought I understood how to do this based on my research, but it's not working. I have seen the "duplicate" questions on this forum, but still am not able to get it to work.
Here are the contents of my data file:
<record id="base.group_user" model="res.groups">
<field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('product.group_product_variant'))]"/>
There are no errors when I import my module, but when I look at the Employee group, the list of `implied_ids` has not changed. My product variant group is not there. The checkbox in sales settings is also not checked.
Does anyone know why this isn't working? I did notice when I view metadata for the Employees group that 'No Update' is set to `true`. Is this possibly why it's not updating? I did not think this was the purpose of the `noupdate` flag.
Also, when I manually add the "Technical Settings / Manage Product Variants" group to the list of implied_ids for the Employees group, the checkbox becomes checked. So I know I have the right group and the right approach, but something about my XML is not working.